Are there days in which you sit in the calm ealry hours enjoying the peace and stillness sipping a cup of coffee? Do you talk to God in that time? Do you hear the words that pop into your mind or heart? Do you put those words from pen to paper? Or do you let the words be forgotten and fly away with another thought? Do you hear those words as a message, a thought, a purpose, your mission, a whisper from God? Or do you simply ignore them and not give those words another thought? I myself, hear them, write them, feel them and seek then when I get these little "divine downloads".
Last month, in the still of the morning, while taking in the sunrise doing my daily readings and pondering LENT, a few words were whispered to me.
"Find the CALM in CALAMITY."
So I grabbed a pencil and my journal and sribbled the words down. What do these words mean? I started to ask "Well, how does one find CALM in CALAMITY?". I decided to literally take CALM out and looked at what I was left with. "A I T Y ? Well, what can that be?" And I started to jot down a thought.
A sking
I ntentionally
T rust
Y ahweh
Yahweh is a word that I have never used to refer to Jesus but I accepted it.
Then the word ALMIGHTY came to me and I wrote it out. Looking at it written out I noted the ALM in both CALM and ALMIGHTY and that brought me to ALMS which brought me right back to LENT. Is the answer to finding the CALM in the CALAMITY giving ALMS? to give ALMSGIVING?
The Bible says that calamity can come suddenly, and that God can use it to teach and reveal strength. I agree with this defintion as I have always felt that my gift of breast cancer made me unfortunately fortunate. I got through one of my toughest times in life because of all of you and the ALMS we created. Almsgiving is the act of giving money, goods, or services to people in need. We focused on giving back to cancer patients and made our own almsgiving. It healed me, got me through my calamity and made me CALM.
Are you following how my brain works in all of this? Did you end on the same conclusion? But, instead of the end result, I want to take us back a few steps.
So what about LENT? I really thought that I would have had a big idea like I always do and that I would've already started collecting donations from you all, but at 9PM on Ash Wednesday I realize this year my ask is different. It's not money that I want to ask of you all. It's that AITY I want to ask us all to focus on all while giving ALMS individually and privately.
A sking
I ntentionally
T rust
Y ahweh
Everyone is so angry, everyone feels they're right, everyone feels everyone else is stupid, everyone is fed up, can we come together to pray for each other instead and leave the hate behind? Can we pray for our enemies? Can we pray for the success of our president wether we voted for him or not? Can we care about how we talk to each other? Can we look within instead of judging our neighbors? Can we think before we speak and hurt? Simply give 10 compliments a day and see the effect of your ripple.
Pray intenionally and trust in GOD. Find the Calm in Calamity.
We are here for too short of a time, it could all be over in a moment. Last week I woke up at 5am in one of my twisted positions with my hands between my breasts in which I felt a lump. For a few hours I was insane I admit, but I found the calm in reminding myself to TRUST in GOD. If this lump was to be cancer I knew there would be a reason for its existance. Thats what I focused on all the while fighting the devil of doubt for a week. Believe me I can get lost but my faith and the belief of living with a purpose carried me through to my appointment at Sloan this morning in which I was told it was just more scar tissue and all was well. So I was once again the happy lady leaving Sloan but my day could have ended much differently, once again I am reminded to live life to the fullest, to pray, to give ALMS and trust in the ALMIGHTY.
Written by: Chrisie Canny So, for those of you who know me and the fact that I met my husband in a bar in Brooklyn, you may be assuming what Fitting, My First Was in an Irish Bar is all about. And I am here (this time only) to tell you to get your minds out of the gutter. This is not a blog about the first time I had a drink in a bar…ha.., did you think I would say sex? Well…anyway… this is about the first time I finally let someone read my chapter in the Anthology Magnificently Made and very fittingly it happened in an Irish Bar, the old Irish Pub in AC to be exact. It’s also a story about the fear of being a writer and putting something out into the world for everyone to pick at and scrutinize. Let me go back over a year ago when my now publishers Jess and Jenn started posting on social media about how they had a dream of bringing 33 women together to write an Anthology. 33 women to share their journeys to help lift other women. Sounded like my cup of tea just by the descr...
Another stunning blog post.