When I get asked : Why Harvard at 49 years old, I laugh. After 28 rounds of chemo- too many-and 21 non-elective surgeries I laugh at the thought that I can not accomplish what I want. Since my cancer diagnosis, I have become a best-selling author, motivational speaker, sought after speaker in Florida prison system, Nationally recognized humanitarian, model, and so much more.
I, WE, can truly accomplish anything and any time of our lives. I graduated from Southern Me-thodist University over 25 years ago.
Going back to get my masters degree in Creative Writing and Literature was just a step on the unstoppable road for me since my diagnosis.
When your faith is in the eternal, and you leave it up to Him, there is nothing that can stop me-US. My faith has stomped on my fears, my faith has triumphed over my illnesses, YES, many and I am the epitome of Faith over Fear.
Harvard was out of touch for too many years because I had no self esteem to try to go for it.
After I completed my season of cancer I decided to go for all of it. Harvard included.
I have been in school for about a year and a half.
I also had a very bad case of Chemo brain after so much treatment. I was unwilling to live like that and school, learning, was my way out.
The best advice I can give anyway is work on your self-esteem. When we cheer for ourselves,believe in ourselves and walk through life caring about our self worth we are much more likely to accomplish goals that were once untouchable.
Be you, cheer for you and look in the mirror and say I LOVE YOU
Christine Handy
Originally published on April 9, 2021 by Christine Handy on https://christinehandy.com
Christine Handy is a mother of two, a breast cancer survivor, International speaker, accomplished model, Best selling author, and a Nationally recognized Humanitarian. Christine Handy has seen it all and has overcome all odds. Christine’s motto is: There is always Purpose in Pain, but we have to be willing to share the story. Her life-long passion for writing has finally come full circle with an incredible story to share.
Christine Handy is a best selling author of Walk Beside Me.
Walk Beside Me follows Willow Adair, a beautiful model with a successful career built around her outer appearance and a perfectly composed persona secretly hiding her inner insecurities. All goes awry when a routine operation takes a nearly fatal misstep, and additional health issues leave her dwindling physically and emotionally. An unexpected breast cancer diagnosis deepens her depression and lack of hope until her friends, aka her Angels carry her spiritually and emotionally to full recovery. Walk Beside Me is a story of hope, faith, friendship, hardship, and taking a closer look at what truly matters in life.
You can buy her book here https://www.amazon.com/dp/1683501616/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_ZJTWNVD0QS04SH9XA2KJ
You can follow Christine Handy here on Instagram https://christinehandy.com/christine-goes-to-harvard-university-at-50/
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