Here are a few of the lessons I've learned about fear. Fear is easy. Fear is isolating. Fear is debilitating. Fear is destructive. Fear is learned. Fear is inevitable. Fear is normal. Fear is unifying. Fear is helpful. Fear is protective. Fear is powerful. Fear is not forever. We are often afraid to speak up. We're afraid to ask for help. We're afraid to sing in public. We're afraid of math. We're afraid of standing up for what's right. We are afraid of all of these things, because we've been taught to be afraid. We are afraid of someone's response. We're afraid of what people will say. We are afraid of how people will judge us. We are afraid that someone will use our weaknesses and our emotions against us. We are afraid someone will post that hideous photo of us and that someone will turn it into a meme (or is that just me?). The more that you can latch on to some perspective regarding fear, the less afraid you become. We let fear control so much...
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