It better be the last FUCKING Chapter!
Today is 3 weeks from my exchange surgery.
3 weeks since those horrible hard expanders with metal nipples came out.
3 weeks since the squishy girls went in.
It's also 3 weeks of not lifting and learning to be taken care of again.
3 weeks of getting used to the increase in size that I questioned at first.
3 weeks of immense gratitude.
26 weeks from the mammogram that saved my life.
26 weeks from the first time I heard, "Mrs. Canny, I think you have DCIS".
26 weeks from the day I knew I had cancer.
Exactly 1/2 a year of my life that has been centered around cancer.
Exactly 1/2 a year that my family has worried about me.
Exactly 1/2 a year of trying to turn lemons into lemonade!

I have to say that I have always been a grateful person but the past 6 months have really taught me a whole new level of gratefulness. I have healed so well and so quickly, I easily forget sometimes what I have been through. There are pluses and minuses to this. Plus is obvious..I feel friggen fantastic. The negatives being that I don’t give myself any credit for my journey and forget how much this journey has had hold of me. Yes, I found laughter whenever I could, but when I was hard on myself for not focusing on Vented, or focusing on my my family, I should have turned on the voice in my head that said, “Shut the F up Chrisie!”
It’s ok that my health, my rest (many hours of rest), my mindset and Netflix has been my priority. Wait can we take a sidebar here and discuss Bridgerton… anyone else disappointed with season 2…it was missing the steam and sexiness of season 1??? I cant believe I actually haven't heard anyone complain. But I guess for my situation keeping the steam down was beneficial for my healing! 😂 I have... umm... enjoyed having bigger girls so I don’t need help…
Ok now back to business…We all must give ourselves credit where credit is due and pat ourselves on our backs. I have been through a lot and I am high fiving myself now! And to everyone who has shit going on please give yourself a pat on the back, a high five, a hug, whatever you need. I don't care if its a cupcake as long as you are celebrating you.
As women, we put so much pressure on ourselves to be strong and perfect, but we can't be that all the time, it's just not realistic. So while I am strong and I am the fucking champion of breast cancer I am allowing myself to accept where I am, accept my body that is not as muscular as it was last year, accept that its ok my arms flap because I couldn’t work out my arms the way I like to and accept my body as it is a soon to be 50 year old!!! The most important thing out of all this shit is that my body is cancer free!!! And I love it! Ok wait thats a lie, I am working on loving it! Because every day we need to work on ourselves and love on ourselves.
I spoke about the level of gratitude but I don't think I can convey truly how I feel. I have spoken to so many women since my surgery. Women who have had to have chemo and radiation, women who can't pick up their own children, women who can’t get out of bed, women whose bodies have rejected the expanders, women who still can’t raise their arms…And here I am feeling like nothing really happened. My scars are hidden under my breast so I don't even see them. The girls may ripple but thats ok as it reminds me to correct my posture. If that is all I have to deal with then I’ll take it! How am I so fortunate? Was it the amazing love, prayers and support from all of you? Was it my attitude? Was it luck? Was it gratitude? Or is it also how I have felt from the beginning? God has a plan for me to help other women get through this???
So I hope the past 6 months I have inspired you to go get your girls checked and to face what comes your way with a smile. Not everyday is perfect put there is a lesson in everyday and there are definitely 100s of things to be grateful for in a day. Make lemonade. Life is too short not to!
I told you all I was going to have a dance party when I could jiggle my new girls and the night is booked! We will be raising money for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, celebrating me and my girls being cancer free and my 50th birthday! I hope you can join me dance the night away on 6/23 here on Staten Island at Violette’s Cellar (they have a #fuckcancer on the roof!). Tickets are selling already! Look for a post with more info. And if you think you are coming and not getting out of your chair think again. Life it too short not to dance while we can. You never know what tomorrow will bring so we must celebrate, be grateful and LIVE!
I would also like to thank all of you for sponsoring a bracelet for the staff and cancer patients at Sloan Kettering. You gifted almost 600 bracelets!!! That is just so amazing and proves how so many people in this world want to do good and be a light to others. Keep on shining!
Here are some photos from the day my exchange surgery as well as my 10 day follow up! It was such a gift to be able to gift so many! The gentleman is my plastic surgeon Dr Allen. He was so patient and he listened to all of my questions and took time to answer them all! Everyone at Sloan was amazing!

Chrisie Canny is a wife, mother, serial entrepreneur, inventor, breast cancer warrior and FUNdraiser! She is a Brooklyn native and CEO of Vented in Brooklyn®. Chrisie loves to help cancer patients and bring women together to lift each other to the best they can be! With a recent diagnosis of early stage breast cancer, she is determined more than ever to help women share their journey to help others find their strength!
Click HERE to read more of my story and hear about my company's heart and mission!
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