You’ve made the decision to get rid of the girls, bravo! This is a huge, life-altering decision. Now that you’re on your way to taking back control of your life, it’s time to prepare your body for surgery. Whether you’re an avid athlete or just starting out, I’ll be going over how getting those muscles primed and prepped, will help make recovery from major surgery that much easier. When I met with both my Plastic Surgeon and Surgical Oncologist, my first question to them was “What can I do to prepare physically for surgery?”, but I didn’t like their answer of “nothing”. How can there be nothing I can do to help make this surgery go easier for me? That seems like such a bland, roll over and surrender answer; and I’m not the type of girl to not put up a fight. I mean hello, I just came out of my battle against chemo and won! I took matters into my own hands and started to do some research on physical therapy after a mastectomy and applied it to my fitness routine before surgery. Once you...
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