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Five Essential Oils you Probably don't Know you Need

The last two years have been quite a ride. As individuals, families, communities, nations, and collective humans, we are constantly bombarded with trauma, fear, loss and face a myriad of heavy emotions with it. It can be overwhelming, and our physical, emotional, and spiritual beings pay the price. Our nerves are shot, our systems are on overload & we are, in general, overwhelmed much of the time.

Many of us have deepened our meditation & prayer practice, our physical movement, and journaling. And it has helped, thank goodness, but at times we need more. Some support in moving to wholeness & wellness. Tools to bring balance calm & help in managing these often rough waters of our times. Tools to restore us to the space of flow.

Essential oils are a consistent go-to tool for me as they affect us on all levels—physical, emotional, mental & spiritual. When we are trying to navigate rough waters, we want tools that will be effective & move us to be in such flow that we are floating effortlessly. High-quality essential oils do the job and do so beautifully. And they are portable and so easy to use and travel with you all day. I use many single essential oils for various purposes, but during these times, to manage these tricky waters, the following four oils are my favorites--

Coriander—during these tumultuous, often overwhelming times, an oil that can smooth the edges is needed. This oil has many benefits and is highly effective at raising our energy levels and reducing nervousness & irritability (I will take it by the gallon, please & thank you!). It also helps us overcome the fear of deciding as it quiets self-doubt. Are you feeling less than passionate? Coriander brings the shine back when we are feeling dull.

I use Coriander, along with a carrier oil, each day if I am in doubt, feeling dull, nervous, or cranky. I apply to the sides of my neck and the backs of my knees.

Juniper Berry—during various times in life, we are asked to be still and quiet and to go deep within. In the space of rest, we can hear our inner voice clearly and know what is for us and what isn't. This 'going deep within' is a remarkable insight...true wisdom. Juniper Berry shows us how to have gratitude for our lives and all of its ups and downs. This oil helps us realize the lessons the hard times bring and see the silver linings in the form of growth opportunities. Along with this wisdom, Juniper Berry allows us to revere what is sacred in life, especially in our own lives. It opens us to inspiration and clears away unnamed, unknown fears that keep us stuck. 

I have been using Juniper Berry, along with a carrier oil, applied to my thymus and clavicle area upon waking.

Palmarosa—this soft essential oil brings feelings of security and soothes our over-exhausted nerves & nervous system. This oil is incredibly supportive to the heart center, the thyroid, and the cardiovascular system. The softness of this oil moves us to embrace change, let go, and it amplifies our understanding that the one constant in life is change. Palmarosa allows us to open our hands to let go and, in turn, receive all that is waiting for us. Stress can wreak havoc on our skin, and Palmarosa also helps soothe the skin. It is effective for both oily & dry skin and stimulates new cell growth, which is essential for healthy skin.

This oil has been applied to my aromatherapy jewelry to benefit all day.

Tangerine—this essential oil is wonderful at balancing hyperactivity of all kinds, physical & mental, and helps with depression, anger, & impulsive behaviors. Tangerine is especially effective for spasms of the respiratory & digestive systems and muscle groups. Tangerine is essential as it increases the oxygen-carrying capacity of red blood cells and helps with lymphatic drainage and water retention. These are critical for a healthy, robust immune system.

I love to use citrus oils in my diffuser, and Tangerine has been a constant for weeks in my home & office. I also carry it in my bag to inhale if I need relaxation or a mood boost throughout the day.

Yarrow—as a method to heal, Yarrow oil is second to none. It has an amazing ability to bring edges together to enact healing. These edges may be from a deep physical or emotional wound. When applied to a physical cut, the oil pulls the edges together, and recovery is quick. On an emotional level, the oil works the same way—healing the ripped, jagged edges of our deep trauma and wounds. It repairs the damage to our psyche and our energy fields. Yarrow also has the incredible ability to merge the physical and the spiritual aspect of us as humans. It allows us to be fully embodied while also fully connected to our highest self.

I love to apply to Yarrow, with a carrier oil, to my feet and ankles before bed.

These essential oils are medicines of the Earth and impart true healing, allowing us to find wellness. When we find the perfect high-quality essential oil for where we are and what we are experiencing, a type of magic happens...a return to our natural self. The right essential oil matched with where you are and what you need is an elixir for the soul and will have you floating in no time.

Michele Snelling is a psychic medium, a spiritual coach & creator/owner of a line of intuitively created essential oil and salt products. Michele has been intuitive her whole life and it is her purpose to share these gifts with whomever desires, offering them a better understanding of who they are and the path that is connected to their Higher Truth. Her intention is to provide guidance, insight and tools to enable those she works with to remember their authentic self, to find the joy they are longing for and to live the life of their dreams.

Visit Michele's Webiste HERE

Connect with Michele on Instagram HERE

Please Consider Supporting the Humane Society at Michele's Request HERE


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