Dear Bright, Brilliant, Soul, What if loving yourself more was the answer to every question in your life? Here is a list of things you can expect from loving yourself more: Improved sense of well-being Better relationships More ease More money Less stress Less worry More free time More freedom Increased ability to create what you prefer Increased capacity to receive your desires Better sleep Better looking More pleasure and joy My mission is to help heal and uplift the world by helping everyone, everywhere - especially ambitious, soulful women - give themselves everything they ever wanted in life now . Consider these truths. 1. We are all worthy of more love. 2. There is a real, tangible way to get it and cultivate it. 3. Flowing more love to ourselves in both spiritual and practical ways has the power to elevate everything. There is sometimes a worry that if we love ourselves or give too much attention to ourselves, it will make us selfish. I'm here to tell you t...
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