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Showing posts from February, 2022

How to Love Yourself, for Real

Dear Bright, Brilliant, Soul, What if loving yourself more was the answer to every question in your life? Here is a list of things you can expect from loving yourself more: Improved sense of well-being Better relationships More ease More money Less stress Less worry More free time More freedom Increased ability to create what you prefer Increased capacity to receive your desires Better sleep  Better looking More pleasure and joy My mission is to help heal and uplift the world by helping everyone, everywhere - especially ambitious, soulful women - give themselves everything they ever wanted in life now .  Consider these truths. 1. We are all worthy of more love. 2. There is a real, tangible way to get it and cultivate it. 3. Flowing more love to ourselves in both spiritual and practical ways has the power to elevate everything.  There is sometimes a worry that if we love ourselves or give too much attention to ourselves, it will make us selfish. I'm here to tell you t...

Five Essential Oils you Probably don't Know you Need

The last two years have been quite a ride. As individuals, families, communities, nations, and collective humans, we are constantly bombarded with trauma, fear, loss and face a myriad of heavy emotions with it. It can be overwhelming, and our physical, emotional, and spiritual beings pay the price. Our nerves are shot, our systems are on overload & we are, in general, overwhelmed much of the time. Many of us have deepened our meditation & prayer practice, our physical movement, and journaling. And it has helped, thank goodness, but at times we need more. Some support in moving to wholeness & wellness. Tools to bring balance calm & help in managing these often rough waters of our times. Tools to restore us to the space of flow. Essential oils are a consistent go-to tool for me as they affect us on all levels—physical, emotional, mental & spiritual. When we are trying to navigate rough waters, we want tools that will be effective & move us to be in such flow that ...

The Magic of a Mastectomy Chest Pillow

I am asked, from time to time, do I need a mastectomy chest pillow? I answer with all my strength YES!!!!!! But why should I buy this type of pillow, and not a heart pillow, or even no pillow at all? Doesn’t the hospital send me home with what I need? Even if the hospital sends you home with a small square pillow, you need more. Let me explain why. There are other options out there, like a little heart shaped pillow, a free hospital pillow, or a little cushion for your seatbelt. These options are a lot less expensive, but do they help you after a mastectomy? It is true they can help in some very small, limited way. Like a heart pillow for instance, it is designed to fit under your arm and relive some of the pain from that area after surgery. The issue I have with those pillows, is that they provide no support to your chest area, the most important place to protect after your surgery. They fall out constantly, and they are actually a little too bulky for what is best after mastectomy....


  One of my favorite quotes comes from a simple children’s book. In Dr. Suess’ “The Lorax,” he says, “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” This quote runs in my head as a constant life theme. I have a bit of a “save the world” complex, but as my students love to remind me, “Miss, the world is broken. There’s nothing we can do.” YIKES! That sounds pretty despairing.  Then I go back to  The Lorax  quote; if we all felt the world was beyond saving, it would be. Minor changes, little effort, and even the smallest steps are still going in the right direction. So, I am here to tell you how one average lady from Brooklyn is attempting to save the world.  In 2011 I had an idea to start a social fundraising initiative called  The Hero’s Benefit,  or THB as I so lovingly refer to it.  THB  was meant to be a response to the Extortion 17 crash, which killed 31 American Service Members and left 32 chi...