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Want to know everything there is to know about the expected energy in 2022 so you can set achievable goals and more importantly learn how to manifest them? 

Good! You're in the right place at the right time. And hang on- it's going to be a ride! Let's start with some information about the word Manifesting. It's popping up all over. 

The word Manifest isn't actually what you think. It's actually to provide clarity, to see. To manifest is to be perceived by the senses and especially by the sense of sight. 

Things thought to be manifested are to be easily understood or recognized by the mind by way of seeing with the eyes. To clearly see. 

Essentially, manifestation is bringing something tangible into your life through your attraction and your belief system so you can actually see it, touch it, taste it, smell it and feel it. 

The principles of Manifesting people, places and things into existence is based on your attraction and belief system. Whether or not you believe you can have such a thing. 

Want to know how to attract and manifest those goals? Ever heard of The Law of Attraction? Well, hang on, we are exploring it in a way you haven't ever heard it before. 

The Law of Attraction is one of life's biggest mysteries. Very few people are fully aware of how much of an impact the Law of Attraction has on their day-to-day life.

Whether we are tapped into this Law knowingly or unknowingly, we are tapped into it. Yes, every second of our existence, we are acting as human magnets sending out our thoughts and emotions and attracting back more of what we have put out FIRST. 

Unfortunately, so many of us are blind to the potential that is locked deep within us, locked inside this Law that hasn't been explained properly until now. Consequently, because we are unaware it is all too easy to leave your thoughts and emotions unchecked. These attractive thoughts attract more unwanted emotions and events into your life.

Having said this, discovering that the Law of Attraction is at work within your life can be a great cause for celebration! Once the power of attraction has been understood by you, it is no longer a secret. Plus, you have learned how to effectively apply the principles to your everyday life. Your entire future is yours to create and yes to Manifest. 

Ok, you got what Manifesting means and understand the importance of The Law of Attraction and now what about the energy of this new year? And Feng Shui- what's up with that? Is it a real thing? 

Yes- Feng Shui translates into Wind & Water and your understanding of how that flows through your space and into your life has an effect on your energy- hence what you're attracting into your life. Feng Shui is understanding that Energy, it is understanding that flow of wind and water in your environment and in your life. Feng Shui is learning how to recognize and enhance or slow down that flow depending on the energy of the year and the energy of each individuals Chinese or eastern astrological sign. We put cures in place for negatively effected areas and use colors and elements to enhance areas tied to romance, wealth, career and health. 

Learning how to manipulate and direct energy empowers you to be a master of the energy in your home, your business and in your life.

Join me, Sheila Brody, on January 6th Online as I take you on a transformational adventure >>>>Sign up here!

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TEAM BASED COMPANY est. 1998/Family Owned & Operated

Our sister companies: Our family/team cares about your whole lIfe! - Mindset support and coaching. - Radiation recovery cream patent pending product. 

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We are dedicated to providing True Quality care and service. 

Original Blog Post Here


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