For many people who suffer from pain in the body or mind, feelings of despair and anguish are commonplace. Joy and contentment feel so hard to hold on to for very long. After years of traveling in this life, with pain as my co-pilot, I reached a point that I knew something had to change. I guess you could call this my rock bottom. I became very willing to find other options out of my suffering. The idea of less pain was very intriguing, but the idea that I could have joy more often and even possibly inner peace beyond my meditation times was too good to pass up.
You are not the victim but the champion! Begin with the change in perception that you are not the victim of your pain or the medical community, but instead, you're a partner in your own healing. While you may have a list of things that doctors have given you to deal with pain or suffering, you can find something on your own to aid and support you in your healing. Whether you begin a different modality of eating, adopt a practice of relaxation and balance (like yoga, Qigong, or meditation), visit an energy practitioner (acupuncture or reiki master), or add supportive vitamins and minerals to your diet, there is a way you can be more in control of your experience. Taking some control of what is happening in our body removes the stress and fear that things are being "done to us". In acknowledging the needs of the body and caring for it, we can begin to believe we are more than a victim of this body!
Perception is key! What we perceive is born of what we believe. If we think that we are a limited being, flawed and hopeless, then this is the world we will see at every turn. Practice mindful awareness, and in doing so, you will come to know that you are relaxed, aware of your feelings, state of mind and thoughts, and how they affect your reality! You will come to see that often the views and perceptions we arrive at are full of errors! Mindful practice that supports us positively in our life makes a significant difference in the mind that attempts to tear us down. Whether you sit quietly in prayer, meditate, listen to music, bake bread, paint, walk in the park, sit on the porch and listen to nature, any mindful practice that facilitates a quiet mind can help us implement the changes we want to see in our self-perception and our lives!
Today, try to remember the following in your quiet mindful time: "I am more than a body. I am a beautiful spiritual and energetic being created in magnificence by a creator, which is love. No amount of pain in my body or thoughts that creep in about myself can stop the wonder and truth of what I am!" Observing your perceptions today will go a long way in helping you realize that perception is everything. Sit in quiet mediation and prayer, knowing the truth of the infinite you.
"Look at Me: I'm Awesome!" Once you begin observing your thoughts and perceptions, you can change the narrative of what you can and can't do—focusing on all of the things you can do rather than on what you can't place positivity and power back in your life. We are all unique. Embrace this idea today instead of comparing yourself to others. Happiness and joy can come to us in a variety of ways, and so focusing on what we can do, rather than what we can't, gives the power back to us!
This looks different for each of us, so no comparing here, my friends! There is no detailed How-to guide of requirements to happiness to which we each need to subscribe. Joy comes in all shapes and sizes, and there is much available to us in the smaller experiences in life! For far too long, we've listened to what we "should" be doing in our lives instead of what we can. "Flipping that script" has an immense amount of power. Run through the things you like to do, that you can do without much difficulty, and focus here. When we begin to feel differently, we want more of that feel-good feeling! This will allow your mind to accept other alternatives to healing and a world of assistance available to seeing yourself and your life differently. As you may have heard, thoughts create the world you see, so pay attention to your thoughts. Change your story, your narrative, and make this new story one of power and control with you at the helm!
The energy you give something can build it up or tear it down!
Energy is all around us! As energetic beings, we live in a world made up of energy. Thoughts, actions, situations around us, and even what we place into our bodies create energy. While the study of energy medicine and subtle energies of our bodies are fascinating and intriguing, how can we affect our energy to help us move into joy and experience less pain?
Become aware of the attention you are giving your pain, your body, and anything else that "brings" you sadness or "dis-ease.". You can add to your own energy, positively or negatively. Visiting an energy medicine practitioner can prove very beneficial in many cases, but you can move your own energy in a positive and empowering manner. Likewise, you can give negative and disempowering energy to your form! Thoughts, emotions, and focus all have energy and vibration and can affect your body and your pain level, so remain aware! It is through our thoughts, the words we use, the treatment of ourselves and others, what and who we surround ourselves with, and even what we put into our bodies that we create the energy in our form. If you are familiar with what it means to have self-love, then you are familiar with positive energy. Likewise, you know what it means to tear oneself down. Today, give gratitude. You can state that you are grateful for your body, for eyes that work. Continue to list the things for which you are grateful.
Through all these practices, you are beginning to create a supportive and affirming energy in your body, resulting in less pain and more joy!
Remember the phrase "Knowledge is power."? Now that you know, step into your power. You are more than a body. You are a person who is both an energetic spiritual being and a human. You were created in magnificence, and that energy matters. Think of yourself positively rather than negatively, and focus on the things you can do! Your energy system is at work every moment and is affected by your attention, those around you, and the things that you put in the body, so be a co-creator of your life experience- not a victim. As part of all of God's creations, you are capable of experiencing healing, joy, and inner peace.
If you are interested in learning more about Jen's journey and her work, you can visit her website www.jenfiore.com or www.dolifeinspired.com or buy her book, All the Parts of Me; one woman's detour into fear and trip back to love, at any major book retailer.
About the Author:

She is also the author of Heaven Cent and All the Parts of Me: One Woman’s Trip into Fear and Her Trip Back to Love (Inspired Girl Books, January 2021).
Jen has extensive training in health and wellness, the mind-body connection, and healing. Her research and teachings focus on shifting perception, energy healing, removing blocks in the subconscious mind, intuitive modalities and practices, and how our minds can affect our health, relationships and life in general. Jen has been a student in A Course in Miracles for over a decade and gives much of the credit for her healing to God, Jesus and the divine which have guided her to the mindset of hope and happiness.
Jen has been in the service industry for three decades and has been a business owner for over 20 years. A passionate, serial entrepreneur, Jen knows business and brings the perfect blend of divine connected inspiration and down-to-earth sass to everything she touches! She has developed a jewelry line, founded a jewelry company, and opened a restaurant. Now, in addition to her coaching practice, Jen has a line of fun, inspirational t-shirts. At the heart of all of her work is connection with people—and helping people realize who they were created to be.
Jen loves to crack herself up (and hopefully others) as she whips up some of her family’s gluten-free recipes on her YouTube channel, Gluten Free and Me. She enjoys painting, hiking, meeting new people, and reading. In the evenings, you can find Jen catching up on her Netflix binge-watching. She is married to her best friend for over 27 years and they have three adult children who are their pride and joy. They also have a feisty golden doodle, Nala, who keeps them on their toes and wants to join in their treasured hikes and nature time.
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