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Find the Calm in Calamity

Are there days in which you sit in the calm ealry hours enjoying the peace and stillness sipping a cup of coffee? Do you talk to God in that time? Do you hear the words that pop into your mind or heart? Do you put those words from pen to paper? Or do you let the words be forgotten and fly away with another thought? Do you hear those words as a message, a thought, a purpose, your mission, a whisper from God? Or do you simply ignore them and not give those words another thought? I myself, hear them, write them, feel them and seek then when I get these little "divine downloads". Last month, in the still of the morning, while taking in the sunrise doing my daily readings and pondering LENT, a few words were whispered to me. "Find the CALM in CALAMITY." So I grabbed a pencil and my journal and sribbled the words down. What do these words mean? I started to ask "Well, how does one find CALM in CALAMITY?". I decided to literally take CALM out and looked ...
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